Hello everyone,
It's Sunday evening here in St. Maries, and it's been a full week and weekend....We were back in Sherwood (Oregon) from last Saturday until Wednesday (Thursday for Hannalize), so we could supervise the packing and moving process.
Potlatch organized the movers to come and get our stuff. We had to have it empty by tuesday since the house transferred to the new owners on wednesday. A crew came on Monday to box and pack everything. It's amazing to watch them work. They did a good job, and we had 92 boxes. This doesn't include lots of furniture or miscellaneous items. The total count was 321 items...wow..who would have known we had that much stuff. On Tuesday, the moving van showed up and they loaded everything into it, including the old jeep, which they just drove right up in there.
We stayed at a motel on tuesday night, and went back over on wednesday morning to do a bit of cleaning and load up a few things that we needed to bring ourselves. I then headed back to St. Maries while Hannalize stayed in Portland for one more day of meetings.
Our stuff is in storage in Spokane for the meantime while we keep looking for a house...speaking of looking for a house, this is really turning into quite a process. We have looked at quite a few and haven't found anything that we want to buy. We went to one house on Friday afternoon, and there were dirty pots with dried macaroni and cheese on the stove and the tub was so black that you could see the toe prints in it....We'll most likely not buy that house...
We're not too sure what we are going to do at this point...there are a few possibilities, but really nothing that we are 100% sure is worth the money right now. Our little rental house isn't anything special (in fact, it pretty much sucks), but it's a roof over our head and it is cheap...
OK, let me clarify a bit...a lot of elbow grease went into cleaning the place on saturday (mostly Hannalize's), and it is much more liveable....
Saturday morning, we went to one of our district's other fire stations for a dedication ceremony for the people that donated the land to the district for it's construction. Hannalize and I ran the bbq since we didn't know too many people there....but it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it.
Today, we headed out into the woods so Hannalize could see some of the tree farm that I work on...We also took Roxy who really enjoyed running around in the woods and splashing in the creek. We also saw an elk and a moose. It was a lot of fun. After we got home, we ate some fantastic bbq'd steaks....
OK, it's Hannalize's turn to write a bit....
Hallo almal!
Hier gaan dit goed met ons en ons is terug in Idaho na 'n vol en wilde week in Oregon. Ek was die week op kantoor terwyl Joel die trekkery behartig het. So hier en daar het Joel bietjie beheer verloor oor dinge en is daar goed gepak wat ons dan weer later moes opspoor... Alles deel van die pret!!! Eintlik het alles baie goed gegaan en kan ons nie kla nie.
Die naweek was baie pret en het ons vandag bietjie op Joel se eenhied rondgeloop. Roxy het dit baie geniet en was buite haar self toe ons haar by die water bring...
Ons het weer 'n paar foto's aan. Een van die foto's is die uitsig uit ons huurhuis uit... Tot 'n volgende keer, baie groete uit Idaho.
Joel an Hannalize