Hi Everybody,
We are not feeling overly creative tonight in writing... It has been a long couple of weeks and we can't seem to get enough time to relax. There are so many things to do...
We have a few photos that we want to share of the snow we received on Friday night and most of Saturday. The snow is the deepest that it has been this year. Last week we had a very cold spell, with temperetures going as low as -14F (-25C)! We only had one pipe that froze and we were lucky enough that it didn't brake.
That is all for this week! Enjoy the pictures!
Joel & Hannalize
PS Gelukkig was ek in Florida toe St Maries die erg koue weer gehad het, anders het ek net dalk my ou tassies gepak en teruggekeer na sonnige Suid-Afrika!!!
Soos julle kan sien op die foto's is daar geen sneeu op Joel se bakkie se bonnet nie. Sy bakkie word "ingeplug" en dit hou die water in die enjin warm... Sodoende kry jy die diesel enjin ten minste gestart in die koue weer.