Hello everyone.
This is our first attempt at putting together a blog. We figure this is the easiest way to keep everyone updated on our move to St. Maries, Idaho. St. Maries is a town of approx. 2700 people located in Idaho's panhandle. It is about an hour from Couer d'Alene and 1 hour 15 minutes from Spokane, WA. The town has an economy largely based on the timber industry, with two sawmills and a plywood mill and numerous logging and forestry companies.
Joel has been here for about 6 weeks and Hannalize arrived here yesterday, May 20th. Joel has a job as "Harvest Operations Supervisor" for Potlatch Forest Products Corp., and Hannalize will keep her job as "Senior Forecast Analyst" for Gerber Legendary Blades. Fortunately, Hannalize will be able to work from the house. In fact, we spent quite a while yesterday and today getting her office set up. The high speed internet is hooked up and appears to be working. Finally, Hannalize will have an office with a window....
Our new house (just a rental) is located at the corner of 13th street and College avenue, about a block off the main highway. Keep in mind that the "main highway" here doesn't have too much traffic. Mostly log trucks coming to the mill and lumber and plywood being shipped out. Right now, the highway traffic is a bit higher than normal since the railroad bridge collapsed about a month ago. Back to the house...it's a two bedroom, one bathroom house that has a floorplan very similar to our flat that we had in Stellenbosch. The house also has a basement that has a bit of a water problem, so we are avoiding storing too much stuff in the basement.
Roxy is tolerating her new house. I think she feels the same way as Joel and Hannalize....this house is definitely not our dream house (or anywhere near it)...We do miss our house from Sherwood, but we both recognize that it is only temporary. In fact, it is so temporary that we are sleeping on an air mattress (that doesn't hold much air) and our living room furniture consists of three folding camp chairs.
OK, now Hannalize is going to type her impression of things so far....
Hallo almal!
Joel het so 'n kliniese stuk geskryf dat ek maar sal vertel hoe dit regtig hier is!!! Het gisteraand hier aangekom na 'n lang ry en moes sommer al op die eerste aand in my nuwe huis by my eie huis inbreek nadat Joel ons uitgesluit het! Gelukkig is dit so veilig hier dat dit nie te moeilik was nie... Moet erken, is op 31 nie meer heeltamal so "flexible" soos op 18 nie en die grond lyk baie hoer as ek kop eerste deur 'n klein venster moet gaan...
Het vanoggend bietjie hard wakker geword. Ons opblaasmatras het ons erens deur die nag in die steek gelaat, met die gevolg elke keer as die hond oor die matras loop dan styg of val my kop van die bietjie lug wat nog wel oorgebly het... Was bly toe dit uiteindelik opstaantyd was. Moet nog 'n plan maak vir vannaand se slaap...
Ons heg vir julle twee foto's aan om te sien hoe ons nuwe huis lyk en my kantoor met 'n uitsig...
Joel en Hannalize
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