Hi everybody!
It's been a snowy Thanksgiving weekend here in Northern Idaho. Our snowfall started at 4 pm on Thursday and it feels as if it is snowing ever since. We have about 5 in. (12.5cm) on the ground by the house and heavy snow is forecast for tonight. The tempereature will drop to 0F (-18C) on Tuesday. Fortunately we have lots of firewood and the house is well insulated. We are enjoying the snow and Roxy is too!
Thanksgiving dinner was very good. We enjoyed a ham instead of a turkey this year. The ham came from our pig that we bought at the County Fair. We have been busy finding new ways to use leftover ham in the last few days...
We had to make a trip to the Emergency Room this afternoon for Joel. Joel took on a Gerber camp axe, but came in second... It was a pretty bad cut and he needed stiches. We are now praying that the end of his finger will reatach itself again. He will see the surgeon on Tuesday morning for a follow-up to see how the finger is doing. According to Joel it sounds a lot worse than it is... The bone was missed, so it is only a flesh wound.
We had some ice this morning. For those of you in South Africa, the ice on the road was over a cm thick and the roads are then very slippery. There has been non-stop accidents today of people slipping off the road into ditches. With the ice on the roads, we couldn't even get to church and were stuck at the house the whole day - until we had to drive to the hospital!!!
Thats is all for this week.. We are attaching a few photos again. Enjoy!
Joel and Hannalize
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