Hi everyone,
It sure is winter here! Since we last wrote, we have had lots of snow and ice. It was below freezing for 2 weeks straight. The snow was about 11 in. (27.5cm). This last week we had warmer weather and the snow is settling. We got the deck cleared off and now have snow of about hip heigth all along the side of the deck. Our days are nice and sunny and we are enjoying every moment of it. We really do not miss the Oregon rain and clouds. As can be seen in one of the pictures, we had quite large icicles on the side of the house.
Yesterday, to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, we drove out to the woods and cut down a Xmas tree. It was a lot of fun looking for the one that we want. Since the trees in the wild have not been manicured like the ones at a Xmas tree farm, it is not as thick. We decided on a Grand Fir. All our Xmas lights are up on the house, although we still need to put some outside lights up, but haven't had the chance yet.
As I am writing this, Roxy is sleeping on Joel's lap and is snoring loudly!!! Definitely an only child and enjoying every moment of it!
Joel got to go on his first ambulance call last Friday morning at 3am. He enjoyed it a lot and had to take the patients blood pressure and assist him with oxygen. Joel is looking forward to being done with the EMT class in mid January.
Hannalize is going down to Portland this week for meetings and the company Xmas party. Joel and Roxy will keep each other company...
We are posting some photos that we took while out to find the Xmas tree.
Joel and Hannalize
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