We trust that summer (or winter in South Africa) is treating you well so far. It's been a nice summer in North Idaho. We've had some warm weather, not too much super hot weather (a couple of days around 100F). There has been a lot of sunshine, though today we did have some rain.
Hannalize had another ultrasound today. Everything went well. The baby is growing well, and is in the 97th percentile for size and weight. The doctor says that everything is moving along like it is supposed to be. Hannalize can feel the baby kick every day. Joel has felt it kick a few times also.
We're very excited about starting on the baby room this weekend. New windows were installed in the baby room this week. We're going to start stripping wallpaper on Saturday. With a house built in 1922, one never knows what they'll find behind several layers of wallpaper. Hopefully the walls won't be in bad shape and we can start getting it ready to paint quickly. Hannalize picked out a nice color for the walls and with the new windows, it will make a great room.
Hannalize is heading out for Portland in the morning. She has to go down to start training the new forecaster for Gerber. The company is getting a bit nervous about how they are going to get the work done when she goes on maternity leave.
Joel has started a new assignment for Potlatch. He is now the company's business analyst for the Idaho region. He still has his road engineer duties, but the new position will likely eliminate those duties at some point in the future.
Enjoy the pictures.
- Joel & Hannalize
1 comment:
Hi Joel and Hannalize,
I talked to Linda today and she gave me your blogspot address. What and adorable little baby running around in your tummy! I can't wait to see him or her : )
Dan, Lucy and I are doing fine in Seattle and talk to Linda and Michelle as often as we can. Dan and I collected all of the Mariners Bobble heads this year and are sending a set of them to Gordon! He will totaly get a kick out of them! Dan's Brother's family lives in Tensed Idaho and works in Potlatch but I don't know the name of the company. Anyhow, They love the weather about as much as you guys do! hahahaha! Well, please feel free to email us anytime. I you send me your email address then I will send you an invite to our blog. Ours is dlm314@comcast.net. Hope to hear from you soon!
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