Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby room painted!!!

Hi everybody!

It's hot in St. Maries!!! Today was 101F (+/- 38C) and there was hardly any breeze. It doesn't seem possible that the same place that was under snow for 7 months can be this hot...

We finally have the baby room painted! Only a few small things to finish it up. The blinds must go back up as well as the valances, which will happen after our next trip into town, when we'll buy a curtain rod. We have the baby's bedding out too and really like it. The room has a Classic Pooh theme and we decided to go with a dark beige colour on the walls. We were lucky that we would have done the exact same bedding and colour even if we knew if it was a boy or a girl. We are posting some pictures of the baby room that we took today.

Both Joel and I have been doing some travelling, but it should slow down now. I only have one more trip to Portland planned and then I'll take the doctor's advice not to travel any more. Joel was back in Indiana this last week for his MBA and enjoyed his classes.

Not too much other news from Idaho. Enjoy the pictures!

Joel & Hannalize

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