Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pret met Tyler

Ons het soveel pret met Tyler. Hy is die soetste baba!!! Hy is doodtevrede om net op sy eie in sy bed te le en huil bitter min. Hy sal net huil as sy ma nie vinnig genoeg na sy sin met die kos kom nadat hy al gewaarsku het dat hy honger is nie... Badtyd was aanvanklik baie traumaties, maar nadat ons die bababad met die beer spons gekry het, is dit ook iets van die verlede.

Hier is 'n paar nuwe foto's van Tyler. Hy het al soveel verander sedert sy geboorte... Hy was die afgelope week al 3 weke oud.

Joel en Tyler knip 'n uiltjie...

Tyler met die kenmerkende trek van sy mond op 'n tuit.
Ons mannetjie slaap nadat hy lekker geeet het...

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Ons het 'n redelike besige week agter die rug. Tyler het verlede week en Saterdag huis toe gekom, maar teen Dinsdagoggend is hy weer opgeneem in die hospitaal agv geelsug. Julle kan in die foto sien sy neus is veral bietjie geel... Hy moes gaan vir ligterapie en ons was op die ou einde vir twee dae daar.
Tyler moes in die broeikas onder die ligte le om sy temperatuur te behou. Dit was maar hard om hom so te sien le vir twee dae.

Sedert ons huis toe gekom het moes ons nog elke dag gaan vir toetse om te sien of die geelsug beter word. Ongelukkig het die vlakke weer begin opgaan, so Tyler le vannaand onder 'n lig hier by die huis. Sy kamer is omskep in 'n sauna sodat hy sonder klere kan le. Ons hoop die bilirubienvlakke sal more laer wees. Hier is foto's van hom wat onder die lig le in sy kamer...

Tyler vang 'n tan!!!En hier is sommer 'n paar ander foto's...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Welcome Home, Tyler Jay..!!!

Hello everyone..!!

We are excited to announce the arrival of Tyler Jay Slate, who came on Thursday, October 30th at 10:47 pm. He weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. (2.8 kg) and was 19" (48.5cm) long. He was born at 35 weeks, 5 days (had he gone to full term, he would likely have been a pretty big boy). He and Hannalize are home and doing great.

Thursday evening, I came home from work and was throwing the ball outside for the dogs when Hannalize yelled out the upstairs window for me to come up. I thought something must be up, but I didn't want to say anything too loud. She told me that she thought her water had broke. Neither of us were too sure of what to do, so we called the Doctor. He told us to come in about 7:30 (her water broke at 5:05), since there weren't any contractions going on. About 7:20 pm, she started having some stronger contractions. We got to the hospital and they put her on the monitor. At 8:00 she was already 5-6 cm dialated, so she asked for the epidural. It took a little while to get that right, and then it was time to start pushing. She started pushing at 9:55, and Tyler showed up at 10:47. If he could have stayed in until after midnight, we would have had three generations in a row of Halloween birthdays, but he didn't want to stay in, and I'm certain that Hannalize was ready for him to come out too.

They stayed at the hospital until Saturday at about lunchtime. We came home and have had a lot of fun with him. He slept a bit better at home than he did the second night in the hospital. His schedule is a bit backwards, since he likes to sleep all day, and is a bit more restless at night. The kid seems to have a will of his own, and he has made it clear that he currently prefers sleeping to anything else, and doesn't want to eat on any kind of a regular basis.

The dogs like Tyler very much. They are enjoying spending time next to his crib and are quick to let us know if he makes a noise.

Please enjoy the pictures and we'll get some more posted as the time allows.


Joel, Hannalize, and Tyler.

Monday, October 06, 2008


Hallo almal,

Hier by ons het die herfs (voel eerder na winter vir my...) opgedaag. Ons eerste sneeu word vir Donderdagnag voorspel, maar hierdie is een van daardie kere wat ek hoop die weervoorspellers is verkeerd. Ons is nog nie reg vir koue en sneeu nie... Ons drive way is vol hout wat Joel nog moet kap en weggepak kry.

Met die swangerskap gaan dit goed. Ons het so 'n rukkie terug uitgevind dat baba Slate redelik groot is en die dokters dink nie dat ons die oorspronklike "due date" sal haal nie. Die dokter sal die kleinding se gewig dophou, maar is van mening dat die baba nader aan die middel van Nov sal kom. Die kamer is egter reg vir die kleinding, so nou kan hy/sy maar kom.

Geniet die foto's...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby room painted!!!

Hi everybody!

It's hot in St. Maries!!! Today was 101F (+/- 38C) and there was hardly any breeze. It doesn't seem possible that the same place that was under snow for 7 months can be this hot...

We finally have the baby room painted! Only a few small things to finish it up. The blinds must go back up as well as the valances, which will happen after our next trip into town, when we'll buy a curtain rod. We have the baby's bedding out too and really like it. The room has a Classic Pooh theme and we decided to go with a dark beige colour on the walls. We were lucky that we would have done the exact same bedding and colour even if we knew if it was a boy or a girl. We are posting some pictures of the baby room that we took today.

Both Joel and I have been doing some travelling, but it should slow down now. I only have one more trip to Portland planned and then I'll take the doctor's advice not to travel any more. Joel was back in Indiana this last week for his MBA and enjoyed his classes.

Not too much other news from Idaho. Enjoy the pictures!

Joel & Hannalize

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Baby Pictures

Hello everyone,

We trust that summer (or winter in South Africa) is treating you well so far. It's been a nice summer in North Idaho. We've had some warm weather, not too much super hot weather (a couple of days around 100F). There has been a lot of sunshine, though today we did have some rain.

Hannalize had another ultrasound today. Everything went well. The baby is growing well, and is in the 97th percentile for size and weight. The doctor says that everything is moving along like it is supposed to be. Hannalize can feel the baby kick every day. Joel has felt it kick a few times also.

We're very excited about starting on the baby room this weekend. New windows were installed in the baby room this week. We're going to start stripping wallpaper on Saturday. With a house built in 1922, one never knows what they'll find behind several layers of wallpaper. Hopefully the walls won't be in bad shape and we can start getting it ready to paint quickly. Hannalize picked out a nice color for the walls and with the new windows, it will make a great room.

Hannalize is heading out for Portland in the morning. She has to go down to start training the new forecaster for Gerber. The company is getting a bit nervous about how they are going to get the work done when she goes on maternity leave.

Joel has started a new assignment for Potlatch. He is now the company's business analyst for the Idaho region. He still has his road engineer duties, but the new position will likely eliminate those duties at some point in the future.

Enjoy the pictures.

- Joel & Hannalize

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A Sneak Peak into Hannalize's Tummy

Hello everyone..!!

Here are some pictures of the little Slate that is on his or her way....He/she is 14.5 weeks old and is growing very fast...!! Hannalize is doing well also. She has been feeling good most of the time, but with the occasional "not-so-hot" times as well. Pregnancy sure has some interesting side effects.....

It was so fun to get the ultrasound last week. We counted his/her fingers and toes, and he/she seems to like to suck a thumb. As you can tell, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. We have made the decision to wait it out and to be surprised when the baby shows up in late November.

The baby is scheduled to show up on November 29th, which is the Saturday of Thanksgiving Weekend. For our friends and family in South Africa, Thanksgiving is always the 4th Thursday in November, and is a 4-day weekend. Hannalize will probably not be cooking the traditional turkey dinner that weekend. Joel will take care of that, while remaining ready to head out for the hospital at a moment's notice. Fortunately for us, the hospital is one block over and one block down from our house. Hannalize keeps telling me that I'd better shoot my deer early in the season, since I won't be doing much hunting as it gets closer to the baby's scheduled arrival.

We're working hard on deciding the baby's name. The deal was that if it's a boy, I get to name it, and if it's a girl, Hannalize gets to name it. I was informed yesterday that she has decided on a name....of course, that will be a surprise for everyone should it be a girl. I am still trying to figure out a name if it is a boy. I've had several ideas, but nothing has really stood out yet. I'm open to suggestions, so if you have any, please let me know.

We're going to start working on the baby room soon. It is going to get a new window, since the original window from 1922 lets in too much fresh air. We're also going to take off the wallpaper, give it a fresh coat of paint, and build a new cupboard. Hannalize already knows what she wants for the bedding and decorating scheme (and it is very cool..!!!).

All in all, this is really getting to be very fun and exciting as we draw closer to the new one's arrival. It seems like it's so far off in the future, but at the pace that time is going by, it will be here very soon..!! Neither of us can believe that we're already through the first trimester. It was only a little whle ago that we were making all of the trips to the clinic in Spokane and taking shots and hoping and we're almost halfway to the arrival...WOW..!!!

OK, we hope you enjoy the pictures, and we'll have some new ones in about 5 more weeks.

We also hope summer is showing up where you live, because it certainly is NOT showing up in North Idaho. It's cold, gray, rainy, and just plain nasty. We've had lots of flooding and only about 3 days that we could really enjoy outside. We thought we'd escape the rain and clouds when we left Western Oregon, but this year, it seems as if we're back in the Willamette Valley....

Enjoy the pictures...!!


Joel & Hannalize

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Spring Update

Hello everyone..!!

We hope things are good with you wherever you are. Spring is finally starting to show up. Today was a beautiful 70 F (22 C) day with almost no clouds. We grilled some steaks on the deck and then took the dogs to the river for a swim.

The ultrasound picture is the last one that we'll see until Week 19 (We are now only 10 weeks). The next one will certainly look different than this one. So far, Hannalize isn't showing, but she comments that her pants are getting a bit tighter and that she has "lost her middle" a bit. Overall, the pregnancy seems to be going well and we're still very excited..!!
Today, we spread some flower seeds in the garden, and the daffodils are starting to show up. Other places in town have had daffodils for as much as two weeks, but our house seems to be a bit behind schedule. With the late snowmelt this year, we probably won't plant too much of a vegetable garden. We'll probably just buy our veggies at the farmer's market (or Costco).

The baby got his or her first stuffed animal this weekend. We went into Cabela's and ended up bringing home a stuffed Golden Retriever. The dogs were very excited about it and couldn't really understand why it didn't want to play back with them.
Take care,
Joel & Hannalize

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big News from Idaho

Hello everyone,

We hope the spring has sprung wherever you live (unless you are in South Africa, in which case we hope you have a great autumn). Spring is threatening to show up here in North Idaho. We've had precisely two nice days since September. It was 75 F today, and we had a Sunday a couple of weeks ago that was 77 F. Between those two days, it has snowed, rained, hailed, and been generally not very nice. We have faith though, and we are really (REALLY) looking forward to a beautiful summer with lots of sun and blue skies.

OK, here is the big excitement. There will soon be another Slate at the corner of sixth and Washington. We are expecting him or her (we're not going to peek) to show up approximately November 29th. As you can imagine, we're very excited, and we've been looking forward to this for a long time. If it's a girl, Hannalize gets to pick the name, and if it's a boy, Joel gets to pick the name. Hannalize already has it narrowed down to two selections, while Joel has none (that have been approved).

For those of you that haven't been along this journey with us, the baby is coming to us via In-Vitro Fertilization. We are very forunate to have one of the best fertility clinics in the country located in Spokane. We've made many, many trips to Spokane in the last few months. Hannalize has had lots of blood tests and ultrasounds, and we have to be there at 7 AM, which means we must leave St. Maries just after 5 AM. Not the best time to have to drive these highways in the winter, especially since Benewah county doesn't seem to fire up their snowplows till a bit later in the morning.

When you look at these pictures, you can see one that illustrates the size of the needle that Hannalize had to have nightly injections with. We started out with the injections about 9 weeks ago, and they finally finished on Tuesday night. In fact, the picture of Hannalize injecting herself was the last shot. It was quite a process, but it's gone well so far, and we've been very blessed to have such good doctors and nurses and to have so many people who have been praying for us..!!

We've put one picture from the ultrasound on here. We haven't scanned the latest picture yet, but we'll post it as soon as we get a chance. From here on out, we won't get as many ultrasound pictures since we've been released to the care of the clinic here in St. Maries rather than the fertility clinic in Spokane.Everything else going on here seems pretty insignificant compared to the baby news, but to give everyone an update, things are going well. Work is keeping both of us very busy. Joel's new job as Roads Manager is going well, with many challenges and opportunities. Hannalize's job is busy as usual, but she hasn't had to make as many trips to Portland lately. Joel's studying is going well also, but takes more time than he would like it to. We're sure that it will be a challenge to get him to study as much as he should this summer when the weather is so nice. We both know that he should get as much schoolwork done as possible before the baby arrives..!!

OK, enough for now, we hope you enjoy the pictures and we'll keep the baby pictures coming as they arrive..!!
Joel & Hannalize (and a yet un-named Slate) & Roxy & Nika & Cola

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winter en muurpapier!

Hallo almal!

Hier gaan dit goed. Ons het 'n strawwe winter agter die rug, maar dit wil darem voorkom asof die ergste agter die rug is... Om almal darem net 'n idee te gee hoe erg ons sneeu was, moet ons vir oulaas nog sneeu foto's op die blog sit. Op 'n stadium was ons buitetafel heeltemal weg onder die sneeu.

Ek het uiteindelik begin om die aaklige plakpapier in ons kamer af te trek. Joel het die "before" foto's geneem net sodat almal kan sien wat ons bedoel met aaklig! Ons is nou amptelik klaar met duifies wat mekaar soen oor hartjies! Ek het vandag al die papier afgetrek gekry, maar soos julle in die "after" foto's kan sien sal dit my nog 'n rukkie neem om die prep werk te doen voordat ek kan begin verf. MAAR soos wat Joel se, selfs die kaal mure lyk beter as die plakpapier wat ons gehad het!

Joel is besig met sy swottings, maar die vordering is goed. Hy het hierdie komende week 'n finale eksamen vir Rekeningkunde en dan moet hy 'n groot projek inhandig vir bemarking om met die 2 vakke klaar te maak.

Nou ja, uit 'n St Maries wat stadigaan besig is om te ontdooi, groete tot 'n volgende keer!

J & H
PS. Die grond wat ontdooi veroorsaak vreeslik baie "potholes" - wil net noem dat dit vannaand die 3e storie op ons nuus was na die stories van 'n Moose wat iemand se werf sy nuwe huis gemaak het en die storie dat ons County "tugboats" gehuur het om al die ys op die rivier te kom opbreek... Duidelik het daar vandag net mooi niks hier in Noord Idaho gebeur nie!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow, Snow, and more Snow....!!!

Hello everyone..!!!

We certainly hope that wherever you are, you are having much better weather than we are. It keeps snowing here, and just getting deeper and deeper. There is about 24" (60cm) of snow on the ground and more falling right now as we type this.

We're keeping a big fire going, and trying to avoid going out any more than we have to, so we're making it just fine.

This weekend, we will be in Las Vegas. It's the annual SHOT show, and Hannalize will be working at the Gerber booth. Joel will be enjoying 14 acres of guns under one roof..!!!

We had a wonderful trip to South Africa. It was so much fun to see family and friends. Anneke's wedding was amazing, and we're very fortunate to have Willis for a new brother-in-law.!! The summer weather was a wonderful break from North Idaho. It was very nice to braai and eat and drink and visit with everyone.

School has been going well for Joel. He is enjoying his class and keeping busy studying a few hours every night. He will be starting a new quarter in February and is excited to keep learning.

We're posting a few photos of the snow. It keeps getting deeper. Hopefully, it will turn the corner soon and spring will come around. By the way, Joel is holding an icicle in that picture.
Also, if you are on Facebook, look up either Joel or Hannalize and add us as a friend. We'd love to link up..!!!

- Joel & Hannalize